Sunday 18 November 2012


Dear 'A' Team Members

Thank you all for making our Holiday 2012 very special.

As you may have noticed, I accidentally deleted the HOME page of this Holiday preparation Blog whilst setting up a new blogspot with all our holiday photographs, and prior to releasing a new blog of our 2012 holiday pics, 
I take this opportunity of thanking one and all in the team for making our Dream Holiday so special. What a fine team we were with fun and laughter from start to finish.

Very special thanks to our Team Leader Patsy for keeping control of everything and sorting out some of the minor problems on-stream. (As I have said before, you are a star and no team holiday would go ahead without you).

Tony Madeira from Madeira Tours certainly co-ordinated all our plans with regard to booking at Tembo the first week, tours and excursions and of course his great company which will all be noted in the new blog.

We cannot forget our Zanzibar/Arusha BOSS Pervin who co-ordinated our second week at Mapenzi Beach Resort and of course has done us proud as always. Again what can I say.

Special thanks to Bulu for joining the team and spending a few days with us at Stone Town and Mapenzi. We certainly enjoyed his great company with fun and laughter, singing, swimming and not forgetting how Bulu & Tony beat Albert and myself at Pool. A match Zanzibar vs UK. What a great match it was, best of 3 games going all the way to the last 9th frame. Albert is still gutted being beaten but Bulu's long shot put took the prize.

As for the table Tennis matches, Rooky was the star Ladies Player and Fr. Richard best amongst the men with his consistent playing. We certainly enjoyed some great games.

Planned Picnic for our Zanzibar local friends.

Great regrets our Sunday picnic planned for the first week scheduled to be held at the Palace Bejeuu (Merwyn & Pervin's place) did not take place due to circumstances beyond our control, which means we have to go back to Paradise Zanzibar.

Last but not least - prior to going to Zanzibar this time 2012, Betty and I felt this would be our last trip as Zanzibar hotels are getting to expensive, but after such a fab time we have had, and with support from the rest, 2014 will be a must.

Zanzibar Reunion 2014.

If you all remember my statement whilst enjoying breakfast at Tembo, I had spoken to the Tembo Manager re a Zanzibar Reunion in 2014 where he offered great support with the hotel etc., and now with all the doctors and new private hospital in Zanzibar would make such a reunion possible, but in view of a planned reunion in Oman in 2013, I have cut short proposing such a reunion as it would clash with 2013 and as such we will keep to our 'A' Team holiday in 2014. As Patsy and I have briefly discussed, our team limit would be 14 to 15 members and no more. Lets hope 2008 team folks who could not make it this time will join us in 2014 with special invite to Alexander & Annabella - (Merwyn, Pervin & Tony Madeira have asked me to make sure they will join the team in 2014).

Thanks to Patsy and Rooky for proposing 2012 holiday and it is so entertaining to learn you both want to go back in 2014. You have all my support in every way.

New blogspot to follow soon.

You will soon be alerted to the new Blogspot page titled ZanzibarMadeiraToursHoliday or the following link below
which will incorporate most of the photographs shared by all our team members. (What a great collection). I have downloaded over 2,000 photographs and video clips and dont know where to start but just looking at some pics makes me feel I wish we were still in Zanzibar.

What a dream holiday 2012 was, and best on record, and though our 2008 Team holiday was also very special, our 2012 Nov/Dec was exceptional and certainly has put us in focus for 2014 all going well.

Will be in touch soon and in the meantime I will set up a new blog with Memories of Paradise Zanzibar photographs and some fun video clips.

Love to one and all in the team and thanks a million for making our 2012 holiday a Dream come True.

Benny & Betty

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