Discussion Guideline Doc.

DISCUSSION DOCUMENT – Just General Guidelines

Dear Team Members

This message is only going to point out a few facts known to me and only with my previous experience in Zanzibar in 2002 and 2008 not including 2003 which was just Scuba Diving 17 days underwater diving taking Movies.

During the years between 2004 and 2008 there were many changes on the island so all details below may not be 100% accurate but I think it is only fair to point out a few facts to assist with individuals decision making to help ensure you get the very best of our holiday.

Items I plan to cover will be connected to

(1) Stone Town
(2) Restaurants in Town. 
(3) Tembo Hotel 
(4) Excursions –
(5) Cost of Transport.
(6) Splitting - Stone Town & Paradise Resort Uroa.


Very exciting but you will observe many changes and no point comparing the times when we lived in Zanzibar.  The tourists love it this way and no major changes are allowed. All the good buildings, museums, Victoria garden, the Sultans Palace now a museum is quite interesting to visit. The market place, big changes and exciting. Don’t miss out on the Halwa sold in the Market. Fruit and fish market brings back good memories but be careful with cameras as they don’t seem to entertain taking pictures though I have managed in 2004.

There are excursions connected with the Stone Town so check out Madeira Tours website.

Betty and I have enjoyed going around the stone town walking which we did in 2004 and in our own leisure which is fun so new comers, don’t miss out. Perhaps a gang of 2’s and 3’s would be fine for if all go together would be difficult keeping track of all and at times one may want to spend extra time in a shop or viewing something so not recommended for several to walk together.

Do visit your own old houses and take pictures.

Must mention, the sea front near the customs docks is good for those who want to see all the big fish come in early mornings. I have many videos of this activity and if you are looking for some historical video footage for yourself or photographs, may be interesting but you have to get up early morning to make this trip, failing which, wait for my video movies.

St. Joseph’s Convent School. A must to view and I would like to plan a photograph with all our group as we did in 2008. This can be done during the first few mornings in Stonetown.

St. Joseph’s Church  - A Must If you want to meet up with almost all our folks living in Zanzibar, you will certainly meet all at Sunday morning mass which has always been a highlight of our holiday.


In the past even in 2004 & 2008, we went to Sunday mass followed by the Sunday Picnic.

Will have to discuss the picnic arrangements with Tony Madeira, Lenny and Meg Furtardo as they can plan the food where I suggest we order some nice biriani made fresh on the day. Tony, Merwyn and Pervin can decide who attends and I would propose we Zanzibar folks from the group who lived in Zanzibar should meet the expenses of food and drinks.  (Group decision). Failing this later on an evening at the Pagoda.

How long would it cover sight-seeing all of the town, market place, Old Fort etc.

This would depend as to how fast you walk and how much time you want to spend as you move around. I would say allow ½ a day, perhaps stopping for a quick lunch somewhere or stop at the market place and pick up something to eat as you walk.

Must take with you your own water and must be bottled water and never tap water.

Don’t recommend have ice in your drinks if you buy one around.

Take advantage of enjoying a fresh coconut drink whilst in the market as there are plentiful and of course we will have more on our travels etc. Attack the best fruit whilst in the market and take some for your hotel room.

When you visit the Sultans Palace, there is an entry fee and if you say you are a local, rattle a little swahali and you will get entrance at a local rate. No big deal but everything helps as they say take care of the pennies, pounds will take care of itself.


Fair number in general with various prices depending on the quality of food you are seeking. Will briefly mention a few.

Right on the main road where the Askari controls the traffic and opposite the National Bank is a little Goan friendly restaurant, they will cook the food of your choice, I always liked their prawn curry and rice. The decor is pretty basic but clean and above all and most important, wonderful family management and friends we know. Our party would occupy the whole restaurant and in 2008 we did eat there once. Very pleasant friendly family business so big bucks saved if you go there with plenty of food so you wont be hungry later.

Africa House Hotel and Restaurant.

A lovely place to visit in the evenings to watch the sunset, have a cold beer and perhaps a couple of samosas, just relaxing and chatting. An attractive spot for most tourists.

Above on the very top is a little restaurant, good seafood if you want Lobster and Crab but no cheapskate!! (Fairly expensive for sea foods).

Pagoda – Chinese Restaurant

On record, in the past, was the best especially with a big party and prices most reasonable. Betty and I entertained a party of our Zanzibar folks and they even allowed us to bring our own bottle of Scotch and Rum. (Watch videos to follow soon). Very friendly management and in fact in 2002 when I was on the underwater diving project, all our diving tanks were provided by the manager as he also had his own business supplying divers with their compressed air cylinders. On the last day we went to dinner and to pay our bill for the comressed air used during all 17 days diving, he refused to take any money and said it was a gift from him. Never forget this.

Indian Restaurant close to Tembo.

Does not come cheap, but big cheats as experienced on two occasions.

In 2008 we all went out one evening for dinner. The cheats – we ordered our drinks, was overcharged double instead of a single, bill was messed up with additional costs which at the end Mervyn sorted so one would have to be very careful. Don’t rate the food any special but makes a nice evening if costs don’t matter too much and equally each one can choose what to eat.

Big Time Attraction – Forodhani open air eating. kebabs here we come!

Remember us eating the shish kebabs with the flies all over.

Well this has now been upgraded and understand cleanliness is now excellent and only approved cooks providing the food. No idea of costs but guess it would be the cheapest besides the kebabs being very tasty and a must for good times sake.

Restaurant by the sea front close to the customs pier.

Betty, Tony, Donna and myself enjoyed a nice lunch and understand in the evenings they have some live entertainment.

Don’t know of any other restaurants elsewhere other than going to an hotel for dinner which we did known as The Zanzibar Reef hotel, not too impressive but know name has changed. I will get a new update of good eating places from Tony Madeira.

Band Stand near Bargash’s home – Restaurant.

A little restaurant quite nice with fair choice of food good for a lunch.


Our first stop. Rates not known and it looks we all or majority will be at Tembo as even Bruno confirmed, what is good enough for us is good enough for him.

Well here are some guidelines on Tembo as known in 2008.

Basic, friendly and pretty clean with slightly old décor and nothing spectacular but friendly and very central to everything also overlooking the sea front.

All we get is room and breakfast included in the price.

Breakfast basic but clean with plenty of fruit.

You can choose how you want your eggs cooked, fried, boiled, poached etc.

Coffee and tea all plentiful with again fruit from mangoes, pineapples, oranges and plenty of bananas. Eat as much as you wish so no complaints as the saying goes you get what you pay for.

The only good thing is that we eat in the open overlooking the sea and with all the members sitting together and chatting whilst enjoying the breakfast makes is really nice.

We have not used the hotel restaurant for dinners so cannot comment.

Attached is a little restaurant where you can get snacks and also have a quick lunch of your choice, biriani always available or a plate of rice and curry, fish and chips, etc.

Ok when you have had a hectic day and rushed back to the hotel. A cool beer goes down well. All this comes at a price and not as one would think – cheap cheap as this is not the case but I cannot quote prices.

Tembo Hotel Rooms.

Basic but clean as we have experienced in the past. Room 100 is the largest which has 3 beds inside and 3 overhead fans, the good thing there is a balcony attached overlooking the sea and Betty and I have used this on two occasions in the past.

The best room is the Suite on the ground floor right on the sea front which is air conditioned, has a new style bathroom and toilet. On the last trip Betty and I stayed there for a few nights when we returned from the Safari.

Tembo has a swimming pool which we have used and is fine.


Madeira Tours has provided all the excursions available so check out the website and make up your minds. All I can say as they don’t come cheap and if only 2 or 3 plan to go on some of the excursions, would of course cost much more compared to a bigger group where expenses can be shared with travel etc. Tony has promised to send me quotes today which I will forward.

Prison Island and Grave Island combined makes a nice trip mainly because one can make it like a day out taking some lunch, enjoy a swim and the tortoises which now has become a big tourist attraction. There is also a restaurant on the island.

It is important for all members to decide in advance to their preferences and accordingly we can plan. Though we have been on most of the excursions, we would still join others just for fun and good company.

Dolphin Excursion. I do not recommend this as it is a long way in Kizamkazi and the fun of the trip is jumping off the boats when the dolphins are around to enjoy seeing them underwater. If anyone is thinking of this trip, speak to me and I will provide full details or view the videos I will soon be posting.

Leave it to the new comers to plan and decide.


Tony has confirmed he has two types of busses to take 9 or a larger number so no travel problems. Awaiting his costs as a rough guideline to assist with the planning.

(6) Splitting holiday between Stone Town and Paradise Resort Uroa.

At this moment in time, it is difficult to know how long each one want to stay in Stonetown until Mervyn and Pervin confirm the quality and standards of the new hotel complex. Looks good in the brochures but Mervyn says one cannot go as to what you see on the website.

Before we go any further. Patsy confirmed that when she and Rooky were planning on this holiday and even before anyone of us joining as a group, their plans was that each one can do what they please with no commitment of all being together all the time. This confirms that no body is under any obligation in any way. If one get bored with Tembo prior than being there a week as some plan to stay, they can freely move out to any other location.

As a starting point – Patsy earlier today gave her views on how she plans to split her holiday confirming a week in Stonetown and a week by the seafront in either Uroa or Blue Bay which is quite favoured as it has many known good facilities. Not to be discussed right now until M&P provide their final report.

Group discounts – hopefully we may get a better rate at the Paradise resort but again M&P will notify us.

Second week will be the Buzz when we will all be more relaxed all at one complex where all our group fun takes place.

P.S. Some folks may like to stay a week at Tembo and move to the beach hotel, planning to return back to Tembo for the final one or two days of their holiday. Just to remind you with such a move, you would almost lose a day with the move and even if you got back to Tembo early during the day, your rooms may not be ready. This for certain B&B will not be doing as we are beach lovers and cannot wait to make the second move to enjoy the real sea breeze, good breakfasts, lunches and dinners all in style.

If the Paradise Resort is approved, one has the choice of all inclusive for just an additional $25 per day per person. If we plan no further trips from Paradise during the evenings say to another hotel for dinner eg Blue Bay, I would settle for all inclusive. This is speaking for just B&B.

Let me remind you eating downtown does not fall cheap so it is always safe to enjoy the Hhotel which provides half board, breakfast and dinners where in the past we have greatly enjoyed at Blue Bay - breakfast & great dinners. For small parties of 2's & 3's easy to decide on eating places.

The above is just some basic points to assist with your planning. No rush for any decisions but if each one would provide input on what they plan to do in Zanzibar would help with some forward planning, though no one is committed to anything.

As for 2008 “A” team holiday, we planned the full holiday almost every day as we had a Safari connected mid-way. The group was most of the time together other than during the days at Tembo where each one did what they fancied.

That’s all for now and my only concern is to make sure everyone will be happy with whatever is planned and as Betty and I have invited Dr. Betty and Alan to join the group, and equally Albert confirming he would only come to Zanzibar if Betty and I were going for certain, it is my responsibility to worry about them but equally more concerned about the entire group and its success. I will do all I can to make sure everyone is happy in every way and as a team we can make sure this is the case.

We have a Question and Answer link on our blogspot so feel free to post your views comments or any questions. Also your preferences to excursions etc as again I must remind all, if just one or two plan a trip, they have to pay fairly big bucks as nothing comes real cheap in Zanzibar so working as a group helps. The bigger the better.

With our new comers for the first time, I personally will do all I can to make sure this holiday will be a dream for them as we enjoyed in 2008, of course that was very exceptional spending a few good days at the Palace in Bejeuu. A dream holiday never to be forgotten.

A million thanks to our Lord and Lady Mervyn and Pervin for kindly joining the crazy gang the second week. Its going to be a wild crazy week with nothing spared.

All folks dont forget to bring your duty free so we can have a FLOATING BAR the second week.

When the BOSS says, guys and dolls, off to a midnight swim, so it will be and of course the moonlight beach walks. Cannot wait.


This is only my personal input which can be dumped with no worries but only as a guideline mainly for the new members visiting Zanzibar.

All other useful advice re currencies, tax’s/visas etc will follow and as such the above is attached to a new link titled DISCUSSION DOCUMENT.

Best regards to all. Keep your comments flowing.

Benny (on behalf of the team).